Geo-Energie Suisse AG works closely with various national and international research institutions. It has a particularly close cooperation with the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research – Supply of Electricity, or SCCER-SoE for short, founded by Innosuisse. Its aim is to scientifically monitor and support the energy transition. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), various universities and other research centres are involved in this. An important part of the SCCER-SoE is the work at the Grimsel Test Site. In 2016, experiments in the field of in-situ stimulation and circulation were carried out there. Geo-Energie Suisse AG is involved in the work as an industrial partner. Another rock laboratory in the Bedretto Valley is in preparation.
Geo-Energie Suisse AG works with well-known companies and research institutions in the field of deep geothermal energy on national and international projects. These collaborations enable an efficient, worldwide exchange of experience and transfer of knowledge.
Geo-Energie Suisse AG is a board member of Geothermie-Schweiz and heads the international working group on ‘Reservoir Creation and Enhancement’ of the IEA Geothermal. Furthermore, the managing director of Geo-Energie Suisse AG, Dr Peter Meier, chairs the Information Committee of the International Geothermal Association (IGA).