Geo-Energie Suisse AG aims to generate electricity and heat from deep geothermal energy. This should establish geothermal energy as an important renewable, domestic source of energy – for a secure, competitive and climate-friendly energy supply in Switzerland.
The short and medium-term goals of the competence centre are:
The technology for producing electricity from hot geothermal sources is only just beginning to be developed worldwide. A coordinated approach will spread the risks and increase the chances of future success. Geo-Energie Suisse AG has access to all the results and expert reports of the completed ‘Deep Heat Mining’ pilot project in Basel, as well as to other projects in Switzerland. Experience to date shows that the technology will only become established in the medium to long term. To achieve this, the dialogue about possible dangers and risks – for example, with regard to seismicity – must also be intensified.
Geo-Energie Suisse AG has set itself an ambitious timetable for implementing its goals, according to which proof of technical feasibility with pilot plants should be provided in 5 to 10 years and the sustainable economic use of deep geothermal energy should be made possible in 10 to 20 years.