To use the inexhaustible heat stored in solid rock for electricity and heat production, water must be able to circulate in the solid rock as if through a flow heater (heat exchanger). Normally, the naturally occurring water at the required depth is for the economic operation of a power plant. Therefore, a deep well is drilled through which large quantities of water are then pressed into the ground. This enlarges existing cracks. The spreading cracks create a large flow heater at depth. The target depth usually varies between 3,000 and 5,000 metres. A second well completes the system. During operation, cold water is pumped through the first well into the subsurface, where it flows through the cracks, heats up and finally rises to the surface through the second well
The hot water can be used to generate electricity and/or for heating.
For several decades, research has been conducted worldwide on the development of artificial deep geothermal systems. This has resulted in several pilot plants in different regions of the world.
The Deep Heat Mining project in Basel was the first pilot plant to be constructed in Switzerland. The work provided valuable information for the understanding and conception of such geothermal projects in Switzerland. The comprehensive analysis of the data obtained showed various factors that significantly influenced the development of the observed induced seismicity, which ultimately led to the project being abandoned. Overall, however, the evaluations also show that a huge reservoir was successfully created in Basel at depth huge reservoir at depth and that it was created by thousands of induced microearthquakes.
A key insight from the projects to date is that the magnitude of the induced seismicity depends on the size of the artificially created fracture surface (reservoir area) (source of graphic on the right: Serianex, 2009).
The evaluations have also shown that in the deep subsurface, forces prevail that create vertical cracks during stimulation. In order to be able to ideally drill into these crack surfaces and use them as a flow heater during the operating phase, they should not be accessed by vertical drilling, as has been the case so far, but by horizontal drilling.
Based on the extensive knowledge gained from various pilot projects, Geo-Energie Suisse AG has developed the new, innovative multi-stage stimulation system. The multi-stage stimulation system is designed to optimise the efficiency of the reservoir and the profitability of the power plant on the one hand, and to minimise the risk of induced seismicity on the other. This is achieved by fully exploiting the temperature level at the desired target depth and by better controlling the formation and flow through the reservoir (flow heater).
The well equipment for increasing permeability using a multi-stage stimulation system is based on the extensive experience and impressive learning curve of the oil and gas industry. This mainly concerns the development of unconventional deposits for fossil hydrocarbons. Several potential suppliers of such equipment have already been evaluated by Geo-Energie Suisse AG's internal specialists.
The concept of the multi-stage stimulation system forms the basis on which Geo-Energie Suisse AG has developed a drilling project ready for execution with the associated technical specifications for the drilling rig. To this end, Geo-Energie Suisse AG worked together with Rohöl-Aufsuchungs-Aktiengesellschaft (RAG Energy Drilling), the oldest existing company in the field of oil and gas exploration in Austria.
The basic principle of the new system consists of combining a step-by-step approach with continuous monitoring and re-evaluation of the project as construction progresses. This means that the project work can be adapted to new circumstances at any time and even stopped if necessary.